Night of the Skulltaker
Doom hangs over the coastal town of Cuttlevale. They have kept the threat of a terrible undead known as a skulltaker very real by misunderstanding what it is they venerate. And, now, their misplaced faith is going to cost them dearly.
"Night of the Skulltaker" is an adventure for 3-5 1st level Pathfinder Second Edition characters. It presents the coastal town of Cuttlevale, and a dark challenge that runs from the town, to nearby sea caves, to a threat that is very much not what the locals think it is!
"Night of the Skulltaker" is written by Ron Lundeen. Distributed in connection with Rogue Genius Games.
Get it here from DriveThruRPG!

The Duskwalker's Due
No GM? No group? No problem!
In this GM-less, solo adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition you are Tarklo Dirge, a wanderer and sword-for-hire. You are one of the rare duskwalkers, ashen-colored people who guard the cycles of life and death. In this adventure, you accompany a strange raven-like creature to put to rest an unquiet soul in the monster-riddled Thavelshenk Tomb. Containing everything you need for a solo adventure where you make the choices, "The Duskwalker's Due" is the perfect adventure to have on your own!
Distributed in connection with Rogue Genius Games.
Get it here from DriveThruRPG!

Ghosts of Sparwell Lodge
The exclusive Sparwell Lodge exemplifies a vanishing class of aristocratic clubs. The lodge has a long and glorious tradition, but time has eclipsed the martial glories of its members.
But now the lodge, and indeed the whole region around it, has begun to suffer attacks from eldritch vexwinds. The members of the lodge seem helpless to stop these attacks, and some whisper they may even be the cause! Can the heroes find the secrets of Sparwell Lodge, before it’s too late?
Ghosts of Sparwell Lodge is a Pathfinder Second edition compatible adventure for four to six heroes of 4th level. This is an expanded and updated version of Run Amok Games' Pathfinder First Edition adventure "The Six Griffons Haunt."
"Ghosts of Sparwell Lodge" is written by Ron Lundeen, with art and maps by Jeremy Thompson and Hugo Solis. Distributed in partnership with Rogue Genius Games.
Get it here from DriveThruRPG!

Teeth of the Storm (Pathfinder Second Edition version)
Late at night, the storm howls and sheets of rain fall. The High Road is supposed to be safe and well-traveled, but this stormy night there has been no one else on the road and no place to stop for shelter. A gruesome scene on a rain-slicked bridge leads to a nighttime race to grant a restless soul peace.
"Teeth of the Storm" is a gothic horror adventure for Pathfinder Second Edition that can be set along any isolated trade road. Presented for 4 to 6 heroes of 1st level, this adventure also includes notes to run this adventure in the "ultra-horror" style of horror movies, where the body count is sure to rise and only the smart and lucky will survive until sunrise.
"Teeth of the Storm" is written by Ron Lundeen, with art and maps by Chaz Kemp and Joshua Bennett. Distributed in partnership with Rogue Genius Games.
Get it here from DriveThruRPG!
Pathfinder First Edition

A Bad Day for Trolls
When the dwarves brought axes and fire to your clanhold, they intended to wipe out every troll. But they didn't finish the job! You are the only trolls left, and it's time for revenge. Unleash your monstrous nature as you play a troll in a bumbling, hungry, rage-filled quest for vengeance.
“A Bad Day for Trolls” is a unique monstrous adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The adventure includes numerous player handouts, including six ready-to-play troll “heroes,” from an icy troll cleric to a hungry troll ranger, and maps of all encounter areas ready for printing. “A Bad Day for Trolls” is written by Ron Lundeen, with art and maps by Marco Morte.
Get it here from DriveThruRPG.

The Emergency Settlement Collection
For GMs in need of civilization! When you need a fully-detailed settlement right now, "The Emergency Settlement Collection" comes to your rescue. Ranging from tiny villages to massive metropolises, each of these seven ready-to-play settlements comes with a straightforward overview, history, notable locations, interesting characters, settlement statistics, new rules for PCs in or from the settlement, and secrets for the PCs to explore. Each settlement can serve as a jumping-off point for adventure, or a home base for an entire campaign. Full color maps of each settlement (tagged for GMs and untagged for PCs) are also included.
"The Emergency Settlement Collection" contains a city of art and song beset by dangerous foliage, an industrial metropolis bound to nefarious patrons, a gnome boom town amid a firearms revolution, a reclusive village of nature-warping lizardfolk, a mercantile river town with magical secrets, a plane-hopping city of vicious cannibals, and a sleepy frontier village near a pit of danger and adventure.
“The Emergency Settlement Collection” is written by Ron Lundeen and Gregory Hanigan, with art by Stacy Drum, Sydney Lehmann-Secor, Marco Morte, Jeff Strand, Blake Wilkie, and Maciej Zagorski (The Forge Studios), with cartography by Tommi Salama, Marco Morte, and Hugo Solis.
Get it here from Paizo or here from DriveThruRPG.

Run Amok Bestiary
For GMs in need of more beasts! The "Run Amok Bestiary" contains over 30 new monsters for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Drawn from real-world folklore, legends, and Run Amok Games products, this collection covers a wide range of creature types, terrains, and challenges. From tiny pumice warriors to the crag-dwelling mountain wyrm, from city streets to the cold and windswept plane of Leng, from ancient vampire-like horrors to clockwork-driven automatons, the Run Amok Bestiary contains dozens of challenges for your PCs. In addition to monsters ranging from CR 1/2 to CR 19, four new templates allow you to customize creatures in all new ways.
More than mere monsters, the "Run Amok Bestiary" includes new PC-appropriate races, familiars, animal companions, and numerous adventure seeds to bring these creatures to life!

Perils of the Broken Road
An enterprising gnome merchant seeks to reopen the long-abandoned underground road between his town and a dwarven settlement several days distant. The road has been untraveled for centuries, so he needs a group of brave explorers to venture forth along the abandoned route. More than monsters and underground hazards await: the intrepid adventurers uncover a wide-reaching plot that puts their skills and knowledge of the Broken Road to the test!
"Perils of the Broken Road" also contains an eight-page gazetteer of Fibblebrod, the launching point for this adventure and a frontier boom town suitable for use in any game world.
"Perils of the Broken Road" is an underground and urban adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game suitable for any game world. Presented for PCs of 3rd or 4th level, this adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges for PCs of higher or lower level.
"Perils of the Broken Road" also includes full alternate statistics compatible with the beginner rules variant of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
The adventure contains player handouts, pregenerated characters, and a file containing full-color 1 inch square maps of the encounter areas ready for printing. "Perils of the Broken Road" is written by Ron Lundeen, with art and maps by Blake Wilkie, Marco Morte, Tommi Salama, Sydney Lehmann-Secor, and more!
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the d20PFSRD store.

Kingdom of Toads: Mythic Edition
Run Amok Games' highest-level adventure, reinvented with mythic proportions! This new edition of 2013's "Kingdom of Toads" contains updated threats to challenge mythic PCs, new treasures, updated art, and pregenerated PCs bearing mythic power!
The curse will echo in legends: in one dire moment, each man, woman, and child in the Kingdom of Kelwyk was transformed into a simple toad. Only the king's advisor retains enough of his mind to summon aid. Has Kelwyk's decades-old foe, the vile witch Vakelna, wrought her vengeance at last? The world's greatest champions are urgently needed to unravel the mystery of the Kingdom of Toads.
"Kingdom of Toads: Mythic Edition" is an adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game of legendary scope and suitable for any campaign world. Presented for PCs of 17th or 18th level with 7 or 8 mythic tiers, and specifically designed to accommodate the varied and spectacular powers of high-level mythic PCs, this adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs of lower or higher level. "Kingdom of Toads: Mythic Edition" is written by Ron Lundeen and illustrated by Jeff Strand and Blake Wilkie.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

"Kingdom of Toads is a great adventure without the mythic rules and it works well with them as well." -Endzeitgeist

A Flirtation with Fey
A simple scribe vanishes from his shop during a suspicious fire, leaving the heroes—the only people he can trust—hints as to his whereabouts. The heroes must collect clues, unmask spies, and infiltrate an exclusive party to find the missing scribe. These clues reveal a murderous plot stretching from the untamed forest to the highest social elite, and the heroes are the only ones who can expose the villains.
"A Flirtation with Fey" also contains an eight-page gazetteer of Thaven, the setting for this adventure and a vibrant town suitable for use in any game world.
"A Flirtation with Fey" is an urban adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Presented for PCs of 3rd or 4th level, this adventure also contains notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs of higher or lower level. The adventure features numerous player handouts and clues, pregenerated characters, an urban gazetteer, and a file containing 1-inch square maps of all encounter areas ready for printing. "A Flirtation with Fey" is written by Gregory Hanigan and Ron Lundeen, with art and maps by Marco Morte, Blake Wilkie, Richard Chaplin, Jeff Strand, and Tamas Baranya.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

"Gregory Hanigan and Ron Lundeen deliver, let me state that very clearly, one absolutely awesome investigation module" -Endzeitgeist

The Emergency Villain Collection
For GMs in need of a worthy foe! When you need a complex and motivated villain right now, "The Emergency Villain Collection" comes to your rescue. These nine ready-to-play villains come with complete statistics, backgrounds, motivations, henchmen, treasures, and methods of overcoming the villains beyond force of arms. No mere monsters, these villains have templates, class levels, or both, making each a unique opponent for your PCs. Each villain can stand alone as a comprehensive encounter or serve as the motivation behind a complete adventure.
"The Emergency Villain Collection" contains a bare-knuckles brawler that is more than he appears, a crude goblin runt-nanny, a shapeshifting serial killer, a deceived hero and her duplicitous squires, an exiled fey alchemist with her horrid creations, a vengeful winter ghost, a maddened crew of pirates in a shoggoth-powered ship, a relentless assassin from beyond space and time, and a rampaging treant ranger. Ranging from CR 4 to CR 15 encounters, each villain contains notes on scaling the challenge up or down, to CR 20 and beyond!
“The Emergency Villain Collection” is written by Ron Lundeen, with art by James Groeling, Rick Hershey, and Sydney Lehmann-Secor.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.
Or pick up a FREE preview here from RPGNow or here from the D20PFSRD store!

"The NPCs herein breathe thanks to the combination of interesting build choices and the compelling prose" -Endzeitgeist

A Lucky Morning
When the heroes awaken to find themselves the only survivors of a bizarre mass murder, they alone can hunt the monstrous perpetrator. Hot on the trail, the PCs attempt to keep the body count from rising while uncovering a dastardly scheme. Can the PCs connect the clues before the vengeful plot consumes the entire town?
"A Lucky Morning" also contains an eight-page gazetteer of Thaven, the setting for this adventure and a vibrant town suitable for use in any game world.
"A Lucky Morning" is an urban adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Presented for PCs of 2nd or 3rd level, this adventure also contains notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs for higher or lower level. The adventure features numerous player handouts and clues, pregenerated characters, an urban gazetteer, and a file containing 1-inch square maps of all encounter areas ready for printing. "A Lucky Morning" is written by Ron Lundeen, with maps by Blake Wilkie and Tamas Baranya and art by Blake Wilkie and Maciej Zagorski.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

"Ron Lundeen knows how to craft easy to run investigations" -Endzeitgeist

Beyond the Serpentine Lock
In ages past, a tiefling witch sequestered herself within a trap-laden tomb in order to acquire immortality for herself and her daughter. The witch must have failed, for her tomb has been sealed behind a serpent-shaped lock since that day. A clever hero found a way into the tomb centuries ago, but she was never seen again. Now, a key to the tomb has fallen into the hands of her descendant, who commissions the PCs to breach the ancient tomb and recover the hero’s remains. But this is no mere dungeon crawl; the PCs must overcome devious traps, intricate puzzles, a village of wary lizardfolk, and ancient betrayals to unearth a lost legacy.
"Beyond the Serpentine Lock" is a wilderness and dungeon adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game suitable for any campaign world. Presented for PCs of 3rd or 4th level, this adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs of lower or higher level. The adventure contains several player handouts and a file containing 1 inch scale color maps of the encounter areas ready for printing. "Beyond the Serpentine Lock" is written by Ron Lundeen, with illustrations by Marco Morte and Sandro Rybak and cartography by Marco Morte and Hugo Solis.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the d20PFSRD store.

"Ron Lundeen delivers a cool module here, including puzzles, various ways
to deal with foes and a creepy dungeon. Add to that the superb
cartography and we have a neat module at our hands – handouts, maps etc. –
all at top-notch production values." - Endzeitgeist

Kingdom of Toads
The curse will echo in legends: in one dire moment, each man, woman, and child in the Kingdom of Kelwyk was transformed into a simple toad. Only the king's advisor, displaced from his body on an astral sojourn at the time of the curse, retains enough of his mind to summon aid. Could the rival County of Stonevale be behind this affliction? Or has Kelwyk's decades-old foe, the vile witch Vakelna, wrought her vengeance at last? The world's greatest champions are urgently needed to unravel the mystery of the Kingdom of Toads.
"Kingdom of Toads" is an adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game of legendary scope and suitable for any campaign world. Presented for PCs of 17th or 18th level, and specifically designed to accommodate the varied and spectacular powers of high-level PCs, this adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs of lower or higher level. "Kingdom of Toads" is written by Ron Lundeen and illustrated by Blake Wilkie.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.
Or pick up a FREE preview here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

The Emergency Character Collection
For GMs in need! When you need a PC right now, “The Emergency Character Collection” comes to your rescue—whether you had a PC perish mid-adventure, a friend drop in for your game, or just want a stable of fully-statted NPCs.
“The Emergency Character Collection” includes thirteen detailed characters, each ready to play with printable character sheets for levels 1, 3, 6, and 9. Each complete PC comes with an illustration, roleplaying hooks, design notes, quick customization tips for different campaign types, interesting variants, and an in-game justification for appearing right on scene, right when you need it.
“The Emergency Character Collection” contains a daring half-elf bard, a jolly dwarf cleric, a roc-riding halfling druid, a bow-wielding elf fighter, a boisterous dwarf gunslinger, a surly tiefling magus, an honorable half-orc monk under a vow of poverty, a zealous human oracle of battle, an inquisitive catfolk paladin, a shrewd human urban ranger, an impetuous halfling rogue, a gregarious gnome sorcerer, and a fey-haunted elf witch. With character sheets for each of four different levels, you have 52 ready-to-go PCs. Just print and play!
“The Emergency Character Collection” is written by Ron Lundeen, with art by Marco Morte and Blake Wilkie.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.
Or pick up a FREE preview here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

"Must Buy - This is one of the best NPC Collections to come along in a
bit. It outshines anything that the big boys have produced." - Nathan C.

Teeth of the Storm
Late at night, the storm howls and sheets of rain fall. The High Road is supposed to be safe and well-traveled, but this stormy night there has been no one else on the road and no place to stop for shelter. A gruesome scene on a rain-slicked bridge leads to a nighttime race to grant a restless soul peace.
"Teeth of the Storm" is a gothic horror adventure for the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that can be set along any isolated trade road.
Presented for PCs of 1st level, this adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges
to PCs of higher level, pregenerated PCs, and a file containing 1 inch scale color maps of the encounter
areas ready for printing.
"Teeth of the Storm" also contains notes to run this adventure in the "ultra-horror" style of horror movies, where the body count is sure to rise and only the smart and lucky will survive until sunrise.
"Teeth of the Storm" is written by Ron Lundeen and illustrated by Chaz Kemp, Joshua Bennett, and Blake Wilkie, with maps by Joshua Bennett.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

The Underdelve Menace
The remote village of Yonderdell has harbored dozens of adventuring parties over the years, each passing through on their way the nearby entrance to the Underdelve--the endless complex of lightless subterranean passages. Now Yonderdell is plagued by a ruthless nocturnal stalker. Several of the townspeople have disappeared; one was found horribly murdered. Locals suspect a creature from the Underdelve, but the guards posted at the entrance have seen no sign of creatures from the night below emerging onto the surface. This simple village needs brave heroes to unravel the clues and stop the terror before more lives are lost.
"The Underdelve Menace" is an investigative adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that can be set in any remote forested hills. Presented for PCs of 7th or 8th level, this adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs of higher or lower level. The adventure contains several player handouts and a file containing 1 inch scale color maps of the encounter areas ready for printing. "The Underdelve Menace" is written by Ron Lundeen and illustrated by Blake Wilkie, with maps by Hugo Solis and Joshua Bennett.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, or here from the D20PFSRD store.

The Six Griffons Haunt
The Six Griffons Lodge, an exclusive club for gentlemen-warriors, is experiencing strange noises and curious apparitions. The manor’s small staff is at wits’ end chasing phantoms. Tomorrow at noon, the lodge is hosting an elegant luncheon, and the hauntings must be stopped before that exclusive event—or before someone gets seriously hurt.
“The Six Griffons Haunt” is an investigative adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game that can be set in any large city. Presented for PCs of 3rd or 4th level, this 32-page adventure also includes notes and statistics for scaling challenges to PCs of higher or lower level. The adventure contains a new monster, several player handouts, and a file containing a 1 inch scale color map of the lodge ready for printing. “The Six Griffons Haunt” is written by Ron Lundeen and illustrated by Jeremy Thompson, with maps by Hugo Solis.
Get it here from Paizo, here from RPGNow, here from DriveThruRPG, or here from the D20PFSRD store!

"Nice little investigation with an evil sense of humor...an investigative comedy of manners with a very dark sense of subtle humor." -Endzeitgeist

"Fantastic...Well-written and superbly organized investigation/haunted house adventure." -Chris Riff