Showing category "Announcements" (Show all posts)

And now, D&D!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, June 13, 2022, In : Announcements 
As a follow-up to my "I'm leaving Paizo" blog, I'm excited to say that, starting today, I've joined the Dungeons & Dragons team at Wizards of the Coast. I'll be a designer there, and I'm already super excited about the things I'll be working on. This blog is going to be quiet for a while, though, as I get my feet underneath me there. But rest assured that I'll be fulfilling the last Kickstarter bits and working behind the scenes to make great things for D&D!
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End of the Paizo Era

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, In : Announcements 
It has been an absolutely phenomenal four-and-a-half years, but my time with Paizo has come to an end. Today was my last day with Paizo, and also the day I turned in my last (truly massive and very exciting) freelance project to them. In fact, it's my last freelance project for anyone, and it'll be a while before I pick up another one. There is no way I can say enough good things about all the fantastic Paizo people who have molded my career, taught me their wisdom, and--best of all--been my ...
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Pages from the Boosted Bestiary

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, May 19, 2022, In : Announcements 
You might be curious what the Boosted Bestiary looks like before you go buy it right here. Let me show you, with four examples!

First, here's the first monster section of the book, the axiomite aeon. The axiomites in the Pathfinder Bestiary are level 8. Since I'm statting up monsters that are (usually) separated by 3 levels, so you can just "weak template/elite template" to all levels in between, I included lower-level axiomites at levels 2 and 5. (There are also level 11, 14, and 17 axiomites...
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Boosted Bestiary Cover!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, May 16, 2022, In : Announcements 
Here's a quick art post: the cover of the Boosted Bestiary! This has some atmospheric stock art I pulled from a stock art site I use quite a bit. I'm not sure who that horned fellow is, but there are indeed wolves of various levels in the Boosted Bestiary...which you can get right here!

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Building the Boosted Bestiary!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, May 14, 2022, In : Announcements 
My newest Pathfinder Infinite product, the Boosted Bestiary, is out now! This is a sort of quirky product, born from some tight math in Pathfinder Second Edition and a really, really bold idea.

First, monsters are really only good in Pathfinder Second Edition for about five levels. If the monster is level 9, you can't really put it up against characters of 6th level or lower, because it's too tough. You can't put it against characters of 12th level or higher, because then it's too weak. (Sure,...
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What's Next for the Kickstarter

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, In : Announcements 
Now it's probably pretty clear that my time away from this blog was related to the Skaldwood Blight Kickstarter that ran in February. I'm really pleased that reached the success that it did. We made our funding goal in only a week, and reached almost the second stretch goal (which I'll be providing anyway, and I'll describe that in another blog post).

For now, though, I wanted to do two things: first, I want to recognize the excellent work and mentoring that my friend Owen K.C. Stephens provid...
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It's Rontober!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, October 5, 2020, In : Announcements 
It's always a thrill when something I've been working on comes out to the public. It's even more thrilling when several things hit at once!

First of all, here's the October product announcement for Paizo. I worked on the first book listed (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide), and I wrote BOTH of the adventures premiering this month: Dominion's End for Starfinder, and Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven for Pathfinder. Both are great adventures, but they're very different. One is an ultra-high-leve...
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Another Solo Adventure!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, In : Announcements 
I've released my next solo adventure, a conversion to my popular Night of the Skulltaker for solo play. You can get it right here!
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Night of the Skulltaker, First Edition Style!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, April 23, 2020, In : Announcements 
I've already updated a few of my Pathfinder First Edition adventures to Pathfinder Second Edition, including Teeth of the Storm and The Six Griffon's Haunt (updated to Ghosts of Sparwell Lodge). Now I just did it backwards!

My recent Night of the Skulltaker was concepted and written for Pathfinder Second Edition. But when I saw someone online asking if a 1E version would be available, I looked it over carefully and realized a conversion wouldn't be very difficult. So I put that together, and n...
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Beware the Skulltaker!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, In : Announcements 
For the news: my next adventure, the all-new "Night of the Skulltaker" is out.

You can get it here!

For some background: I wrote this adventure in just over 2 days. That's from jokey start to final layout and everything. (There were a few extra hours when I woke up, realized my Table of Contents wasn't right, and had to re-upload it in there, too.)

Here's how it got started.

Around Paizo, we joke with each other a lot. This hasn't stopped now that we're all working remotely; it just happens over ...
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Sparwell Lodge is Here!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, October 25, 2019, In : Announcements 
My second Pathfinder Second Edition product with Rogue Genius Games is now out! You can get it right here. It's called the Ghosts of Sparwell Lodge, a haunted-house adventure for 4th level characters. This is a reworking of my Pathfinder 1st edition adventure Six Griffons Haunt (my first Run Amok Games product!), which is itself a reworking of a D&D 3.5 edition adventure I wrote called The Haunted House of bin-Khadij. Each time the adventure has grown and been refined a bit more, and I'm very...
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RIP Blake Wilkie

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, August 14, 2019, In : Announcements 
I just learned that one of the artists I used for several Run Amok Games products, Blake Wilkie, passed away yesterday. The look of Run Amok Games products wouldn't be the same without Blake, and I regret I didn't have the opportunity to express my appreciation before his passing. My favorite cover art he did for me was the cover of The Underdelve Menace, but his distinctive comic-book style shows up a lot. RIP Blake.
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Teeth of the Storm - for Second Edition!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, August 2, 2019, In : Announcements 
Great news! Pathfinder Second Edition launches today, and I've partnered with Rogue Genius Games to present (on launch day!) a Second Edition update of my popular 1st level gothic horror adventure, Teeth of the Storm. No simple conversion, this is rebuilt and re-imagined from the ground up with Second Edition in mind. Teeth of the Storm is the perfect way to kick off a new Pathfinder Second Edition campaign--if your heroes survive! You can get it here!

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My GenCon Schedule!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, July 26, 2019, In : Announcements 
Hey, I have my GenCon schedule finalized at last! Generally speaking, you can find me at Paizo's booth in the Exhibit Hall during Exhibit Hall hours, talking about our new edition. I have lots to say about it, so come by!

I'm also presenting in three panels. These are all in ICC:212, the Paizo seminar room (which is the same seminar room as last year).

Thursday, August 1st
In the Exhibit Hall pretty much the whole time it's open. There will be long lines for our new book!

Friday, August 2nd
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Final Push for the Gauntlet!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, May 17, 2019, In : Announcements 
Sunday is the Gauntlet, the board game event for charity I'm participating in (along with the spectacular Joe Pasini, Katina Davis, and Whitney Chatterjee, we make Team Paizo). Please consider donating at at this link!
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To Claim the Gauntlet! For Charity!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, April 15, 2019, In : Announcements 
I'm participating in a board game competition for charity called the Gauntlet. This competition happens every year, and for the first time I'm in Paizo's four-person team to participate! I'm excited to be part of it, and particularly excited for the "vintage circus" theme they've picked for this year. Please consider contributing! My contribution page is
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Frosty the Graveknight

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, December 3, 2018, In : Announcements 
At the suggestion of a friend of mine, who pointed me toward a discussion about Frosty the Snowman being a lich, I've worked up some stats as well. But I don't think this beloved children's character is a lich. No, I think he's a graveknight. His hat isn't a phylactery, but durable armor into which his immortal essence is infused. As he plainly has the ability to compel children and cops alike, I'm assuming he's also a bard. What is this nefarious creature's end goal? Eternal survival, no dou...
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The Trolls Are Coming!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, October 25, 2018, In : Announcements 
I've finally had a chance to finish off my last Run Amok Games project for 1st Edition Pathfinder. It's also the most unusual project I've done, in that everyone plays trolls! In "A Bad Day for Trolls," you're the only trolls left in your clan after a bunch of dwarves wiped out everyone else. They thought they'd taken care of all the trolls--but not you! Now it's time for revenge!

I had a TON of fun playtesting this at a couple different conventions, and I'm excited to see it finally see the l...
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Paizo Bound!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, December 1, 2017, In : Announcements 
I'm pleased to announce that I've taken a full-time job as a game developer with Paizo Inc., starting later this month. I'll be working on the Starfinder and Pathfinder lines. (I'm also moving with my family to Seattle, which is why I wrapped up my ongoing campaigns, as described in my last blog post.) This is the start of a new and wonderful adventure!
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A New Card Game

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, In : Announcements 
I had a very productive New Years break. In fact, while playing games with my family and reading The Maltese Falcon for the first time, I had an idea for a card game. The concept, design, and prototype all came together very quickly, and I'm in pretty rigorous playtesting now with lots of groups (if you'd like to be involved, please contact me!). The game doesn't yet have a name--or rather, it does have a working title but, as my brother wisely pointed out, "Target won't sell a game with that...
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The Plate's Nearly Empty

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, September 16, 2016, In : Announcements 
A month ago, I felt like I had way too much writing going on; with the Ruins of Azlant adventure path chapter for Paizo still a long way from being done, my work on the Heroes of the High Court nearing a deadline, and the D&D adventure I hadn't really started, I felt like my plate was very full.

Now, I'm in one of those rare moments where I don't have any current work for Paizo, and I'm planning to polish up and send in my D&D adventure tomorrow (well in advance of the October deadline, but I ...
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RIP Steven Russell of Rite Publishing

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, July 11, 2016, In : Announcements 
I heard the news a few days ago that Steven Russell of Rite Publishing, had died suddenly in a car accident. He was 42 (also my age). This was a tragic loss for the gaming community, because Steven helped so many people get a start in writing, art, cartography, and all the other aspects that make up game publishing--not to mention the many, many great products that have enhanced people's games at the table.

I wrote quite a bit for Rite Publishing in the early days of my freelancing, all of it ...
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Flirtation with Fey Gets Five Stars!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, February 18, 2016, In : Announcements 
I'm pleased to report that A Flirtation with Fey received its first review--and it's five stars plus a seal of approval from Endzeitgeist! I couldn't be happier that the work Greg and I put into this adventure was so well received. This adventure started life as part of an adventure path for Headless Hydra Games, but when that didn't pan out we were able to take it back, revise it heavily, and release it in the format you can see today. Check it out!

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The Emergency Settlement Collection is almost here!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Sunday, January 24, 2016, In : Announcements 
As a quick update, I'm finishing layout today on the Emergency Settlement Collection, which I should be able to print proof and release in February. I've uploaded its cover picture as well--take a look!
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The DMs Guild is Out!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, In : Announcements 
Well, this is all happening a bit sooner than I'd like, but it's great to see.

Wizards of the Coast, in conjunction with OneBookShelf (the engine behind DriveThruRPG and RPGNow) have produced their own storefront called "The Dungeon Master's Guild." This allows people to create and sell their own materials using all of the 5E rules, Forgotten Realms intellectual property, and even some basic art and maps that WotC has provided (although not maps of the Forgotten Realms world, unfortunately). 

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The Bestiary is Loose!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, December 21, 2015, In : Announcements 
The Run Amok Bestiary is now available from all the usual outlets. Tons of monsters, including adventure seeds, and lots for PCs, including new races, new familiars, animal companions, and more! 

Check it out!
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Run Amok Bestiary is on its way!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, In : Announcements 
Just dropping a note that the Run Amok Bestiary is fully written and now in layout and final editing. It should be available in the next week or two.

The timing is great, because just as I finished up the Run Amok Bestiary, I received two separate writing assignments for Paizo (one short, one medium-length, both fun).
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This Guy Does NOT Like Teeth of the Storm!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, August 13, 2015, In : Announcements 
Well, it had to happen someday! I spotted my first one-star review for a Run Amok Games product on the Paizo boards (the review was actually left a couple of weeks ago, but I just recently noticed it). I've had some one-star reviews of my writing in the past--particularly from people angry about how my Pathfinder Society adventures played--but this is the first one-star review Run Amok Games has had. It's for the intro-level horror adventure, Teeth of the Storm.

The person that left it has no ...
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Kingdom of Toads Mythic Edition Earns Four Stars!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, August 5, 2015, In : Announcements 
I'm still recovering from GenCon, but I wanted to announce that the hardworking reviewer Endzeitgeist has just reviewed Kingdom of Toads: Mythic Edition, and given it four stars. That's a one-star step down from the non-mythic version of the adventure, due primarily--it seems--to a "vanilla" application of the base mythic rules. I think that's fair--I didn't familiarize myself with some of the other great third-party publisher mythic options and stuck to the core mythic rules alone. So there ...
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Road Gone Bad

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, May 30, 2015, In : Announcements 
I'm back from PaizoCon, and I had a great time. Although there were tons of fun memories--taking the new Wrath of the Righteous Pathfinder Adventure Card Game for a spin, putting the hurt on Rovagug in John Compton's Golarionender game, and seeing the monastery of Tar Kuata I wrote for Osirion: Legacy of Pharaohs from the player side in the Pathfinder Society adventure "Test of Tar Kuata"--one of the highlights was running a slightly condensed version of Perils of the Broken Road in a premier...
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Taking 10!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, In : Announcements 
With Kingdom of Toads: Mythic Edition, I've now produced 10 products for Run Amok Games. That's actually a pretty good number for a one-man shop run by a busy guy; I'm really proud to have made it this far. The schedule I'd set for myself is one product every quarter, which would have had me at 14 products by now. I can't say that I'm too upset about falling short of that, considering so much other freelancing I've done in the meantime (mostly The Choking Tower, but also a lot of satisfying w...
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Getting Mythic This Weekend!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, In : Announcements 
Just a note to say that Kingdom of Toads: Mythic Edition is going to be available soon, very likely on Saturday, from the usual outlets in .pdf and print. Get mythic!
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Mythic Landing Soon, and Back to Basics Thereafter!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, February 13, 2015, In : Announcements 
Just a quick update: Kingdom of Toads Mythic Edition is on track for release at the end of this month. We then dial back from mythic rules to beginner rules, as Perils of the Broken Road, with its alternate stats to run under the Beginner Box rules as well as the normal Pathfinder RPG rules, lands in (I suspect) early April.
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GenCon Ahoy!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Sunday, January 25, 2015, In : Announcements 
I'm working alongside some friends to orchestrate a big group of us going to GenCon this year. Although the convention seems quite a ways out, housing registration was today--although I got to it only 6 hours after housing registration opened, I'm still stuck in a hotel several miles away. At least it will be with some great friends--looking forward to the convention!

Run Amok Games isn't going to have any sort of formal presence at the show, but I look forward to catching up with the folks I ...
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The Flirtation is On!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, December 27, 2014, In : Announcements 
A Flirtation with Fey is now live, and the "Our Products" page now links to the places you can get this new urban investigation adventure. Check it out!

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Here's Gustavus...for now!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Sunday, December 21, 2014, In : Announcements 
In A Flirtation with Fey, the PCs aid a gnome scribe, only to return to find the gnome scribe kidnapped. The PCs must follow clues to find him, exposing a much larger conspiracy. Although the PCs only meet this scribe--a gnome named Gustavus Hodgedar--at the beginning (and hopefully, at the end!) of the adventure, the adventure provides his statistics. And here they are, should you be in need of a slightly alcoholic, former adventuring gnome scholar:

Gustavus Hodgedar  CR 3

XP 800

Male gnome...

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Flirtation with Fey for Christmas!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, December 19, 2014, In : Announcements 
I've got a print proof that both Greg and I have approved, so we're sending in copiesof A Flirtation with Fey to the Paizo webstore and making Flirtation with Fey available all over in the next week. So you'll be able to get this--in print or pdf--or or about December 26th. Merry Christmas!
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Flirtation with Fey Goes to Print Proof

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, November 29, 2014, In : Announcements 
So, when I have everything all lined up to send to get a print proof, I like to hurry to do so--I know that the print proof can take as much as a week to get accepted, printed, and arrive for my review, and I might have to run the proof a second (or third) time. So as to not waste time, I rarely sit on final-but-not-quite-final-for-a-print-proof versions of my publications. I find myself having done just that over the past week or so with Flirtation with Fey. Mostly, that's been due to writin...
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Off to See the Wizard!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, August 23, 2014, In : Announcements 
Just a quick note--I'm off to Wizard World Chicago for the day. A friend of mine owns a comic company and obtained an exhibitor booth and badges, which he's kindly sharing with me in exchange for a place to crash during the convention (he's attending all four days; I'm only attending today). How many of my RPG adventures will I sell at a comics convention? My prediction is "some, but not many." Let me be a little more specific with numbers: my friend is bringing around 60 copies of each issue...
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And the winner is...the Emergency Villain Collection!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, August 20, 2014, In : Announcements 
Whether my next release would be The Emergency Villain Collection or Perils of the Broken Road came basically down to which art came in first. The text for both is complete, and I've even started the layout for each (to the extent I can do so without the final art). Today, I received the last of the great pieces of art from Rick Hershey for the Emergency Villain Collection, so that will be the next product Run Amok Games releases. It's also a pretty consistent--although unintentional--organiz...
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"Stalker: Donning the Mask" is Kickstarting!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, August 15, 2014, In : Announcements 
On old friend of mine started his own comic company just about the same time I started a game publishing company. He's had a good run in his first line, a story about a superhero named Stalker, and he's trying to put it together in a graphic novel compilation via Kickstarter. It's worth a look, to see if it's worth your dollars (it's worth some of my dollars!). You can find it here:
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Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, August 9, 2014, In : Announcements 
I hadn't planned on going to GenCon this year, but some longtime friends are making a special trip out, so I'm headed down to play with them. I'll be there only Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'll be playing the new edition of Dungeons and Dragons in the slots I'm signed up for (or, more accurately, the slots my friend Russell signed us all up for) and I plan to bring the same character that ultimately survived the Lost Mines of Phandelver s...
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A Lucky Evening!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, June 10, 2014, In : Announcements 
Huzzah! A Lucky Morning is now available at all the usual outlets (with print copies on their way to the Paizo store now). I'm quite proud of this little investigative adventure, which is equal parts creepy and murder-mystery-y (patent pending on that word, I guess). Check it out!

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A Lucky Morning in Mere Days!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, June 5, 2014, In : Announcements 
So, I liked the print proof of A Lucky Morning. I'm sending several copies to Paizo for them to vend in their on-line store, but the adventure itself should be available in print and pdf this weekend from the usual places!
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A Lucky Morning Proof on the Way, and "Beginning" with Perils of the Broken Road

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, In : Announcements 
The layout for A Lucky Morning is all done, and I've uploaded the cover file and interior file for printing. They're being matched, and then the proof will be sent my way. If it's good, I'll open A Lucky Morning for sale in print and pdf (I could open it to sale for pdf right now, but I'm waiting until I can do both at once).

Meanwhile, I spent a little time on layout for Perils of the Broken Road. It's got less "goodies" than A Lucky Morning; it doesn't have any player handouts, for example, ...
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Layout of A Lucky Morning Nearly Done!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, May 14, 2014, In : Announcements 
Just dropping a quick note to say that the layout of A Lucky Morning is nearly complete, and I'll be sending my proof version to the printer by the end of the week, I expect.

To my surprise, Perils of the Broken Road is nearly "caught up" to A Lucky Morning; my lovely wife is still proofing Perils of the Broken Road, but I've already begun layout. I still need to get the art back, but the last bits of the art order went out today, so I'm hoping this moves pretty quickly.

But I also have a new P...
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More 40K

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, April 28, 2014, In : Announcements 
I had a great time this last weekend playing Warhammer 40K at a local tournament, giving my Chaos Space Marines (with a Nurgle emphasis) a try. It was a three-game tournament all Saturday long. After the first two games I was tied for 5th place, and poised to leap into the top 3 if I did very well in the final game. I did not do well in the final game. Iyanden Eldar wiped me out pretty handily. Still, I was pleased to win the "Best Sportsmanship" award for, as the organizers put it, "being ca...
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A Lucky Morning Cover Posted!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, March 25, 2014, In : Announcements 
Here's the final cover of A Lucky Morning. I'm most of the way through layout, and working backwards, in a way unusual for me but seems to be working here (I have all the handouts already set out, but not yet in the order the appear in the adventure, for example). Also, I have the full Thaven gazetteer through layout, and I think it works quite well.  Since I'll be using it here and in at least one other (as yet unannounced) upcoming adventure, I wanted to give it special polish.

And, through...
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Beyond the Serpentine Lock Gets Five Stars!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, February 8, 2014, In : Announcements 
A great five-star review for the most recent Run Amok Games product, the low-level adventure "Beyond the Serpentine Lock." You can see it right now at Beware, though--there are spoilers aplenty in the review!

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New Products Announced!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, January 17, 2014, In : Announcements 

I've had two projects percolating for a while that I'm glad to announce: Nasty Bastards, and the Emergency Villain Collection.

"Nasty Bastards" is intended to be a mini-campaign along the lines of Paizo's well-received "We Be Goblins" and "We Be Goblins Too."  Nasty Bastards has a bit more serious tone, and is much bigger in scope, as it takes the brutal humanoid PCs from 1st to 5th or 6th level. This will be a more expensive product than our usual price point, as it's more than twice as long ...
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Print Version of Beyond the Serpentine Lock

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, December 20, 2013, In : Announcements 
For those who get print versions of our stuff from Paizo, the print version of Beyond the Serpentine Lock is on its way there now, fighting upstream through the holiday shipping traffic, I'm sure!

Happy holidays!

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Front Page News!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, December 9, 2013, In : Announcements 
Paizo Publishing uses its blog for marketing, which makes a lot of sense. Usually they're announcing their new products, or upcoming games, and so on. Every now and again, though, they put up a blog post about the recent third-party publications offered in their online store.

They don't have to do this; in fact, there's some logic in saying that they shouldn't do this. We third-party publishers aren't nearly Paizo's size, but we're technically their competition: if someone buys something from ...
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Beyond the Serpentine Lock is Here!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, December 5, 2013, In : Announcements 
The print proof for Beyond the Serpentine Lock looks good, so I've activated it for sale from RPGNow in print and pdf. I'll get it up at Paizo and the d20PFSRD store shortly. Check it out!

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Beyond the Serpentine Lock to Print

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, November 18, 2013, In : Announcements 
I've just sent off Beyond the Serpentine Lock to print, and hope to get a print proof before too long (usually, this is about three weeks).  If the proof looks good, I'll put this out for sale. I'm hoping to have Beyond the Serpentine Lock available in the first week of December. I'm not too likely to get my next product out by the end of 2013 (I'm not even sure yet whether it will be "A Fortuitous Morning"--which has a title change coming, to something a little more euphonic--or "Perils of t...
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Praise for The Emergency Character Collection

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, October 19, 2013, In : Announcements 

When I was updating the purchase links this week, I ran across a great review that I hadn’t seen before. Nathan C., one of the featured reviewers of RPGNow, gave The Emergency Character Collection five stars, mostly due to all the extra details I put into this. Or, in his words, “The great thing is that the writer doesn't just stop with throwing some character blocks in a book. He takes the time to explain other variants, build theories and slight alternatives. This little bit of extra ...

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Where to Get Run Amok

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, October 18, 2013, In : Announcements 

I’ve spent a little bit of time recently updating all the links on the Our Products page, so you can jump right to your online retailer of choice to get any of our five products (mostly, these were to add the Paizo links to recent products and D20PFSRD store links to all products). Everything seems to be clicking through fine. If you see something misdirected, please shoot me an email at

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Five Stars for Kingdom of Toads!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, October 17, 2013, In : Announcements 

Endzeitgeist, tireless reviewer and masterful guide to the sea of third-party Pathfinder products, has once again endorsed a Run Amok Games adventure with his top rating of five stars plus his seal of approval! He says: “Author Ron Lundeen tries his hand at one epic high-level adventure breathing the spirit of broad repercussions appropriate for the level and manages to provide a module that challenges beyond its statblock-builds and also offers some food for the mind. Mind you, that does...

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Another Way to Get Run Amok Products!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, August 1, 2013, In : Announcements 
I'm pleased to announce that I now sell my products through a third vendor, other than and  This is the d20pfsrd storefront. A good resource for open-source Pathfinder rules, this site recently added a storefront and carries a lot of third-party publisher materials.  Run Amok materials can be found at:

Shop away!
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Kingdom of Toads is Live! (in pdf)

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, In : Announcements 
Kingdom of Toads, the high-level super-adventure for PCs of 17th-18th level, is now for sale in .pdf at and The print version is still a few weeks out, but I wanted to get this out there to find out what people think of our highest-level offering yet!

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A few updates

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, June 3, 2013, In : Announcements 
I've added "Beyond the Serpentine Lock" to the upcoming product descriptions and included its summary at last. As far as timing, Kingdom of Toads will come out here in June, and Beyond the Serpentine Lock in July.

I noticed that the only review for "The Emergency Character Collection" thus far--a nice 4.5 star review, too--isn't here. So I added that.

I've also dropped an announcement about my next Paizo product, the Pathfinder Society adventure 4-23 Rivalry's End. This adventure doesn't come o...
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An Exciting Opportunity Returns Home!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, May 9, 2013, In : Announcements 
I've mentioned my work with Headless Hydra Games on their Viridian Legacy adventure path. Unfortunately, their adventure path has not panned out for several reasons, including Axel Carlsson of Headless Hydra taking on a separate exciting setting-and-rules-system project. I had written a full adventure for the adventure path already, and it was one I'm pretty proud of. Axel generously returned the rights of this adventure to me.

What this means for Run Amok is this: with a bit of rewrite to un-...
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Writing Mountains Behind the Scenes

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, February 14, 2013, In : Announcements 
Just to drop an update that's necessarily thin on information: I'm currently working on two exciting projects for Paizo. One is an adventure with some surprising developments, and the other is an article that I hope a lot of players will find useful. I can't speak in more detail about either, but you'll see both this year.  The projects are very different, so it's keeping my brain occupied.

Speaking of keeping the brain occupied, I've revised a puzzle section in Kingdom of Toads that should pr...
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Charging Forward in the New Year!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, In : Announcements 
I lost a bit of momentum with Run Amok in the last few weeks; we took our Christmas vacation in the middle of December, and since recovering from the holidays, I've been elbows-deep in developing an adventure for Headless Hydra Games for an author I hope will do some writing for Run Amok this year. 

Now that's past, and it's full steam ahead for Run Amok Games. I'm finishing the high-level Kingdom of Toads in the next few weeks, and I've got a few other projects in the works that will, before ...
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Love Letter to the Editor

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, November 23, 2012, In : Announcements 

I don’t give my wife Stephanie nearly enough credit. In addition to the support she gives me for all my writing—and now all the work in running Run Amok Games—she also edits everything I write. Everything. Not just Run Amok products, but all the work I do for other publishers, from outlines to final adventures. Just about the only thing she doesn’t review in advance are these blog posts. I thought it high time I acknowledge her, and admit that I wouldn’t be nearly so comprehensible ...

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Teeth of the Storm this Halloween!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, October 31, 2012, In : Announcements 

For anyone looking to run a great Halloween-themed game, many Run Amok adventures will serve you well on this spooky day! Teeth of the Storm is the most overtly horror-movie adventure we've released, but The Six Griffons Haunt is a haunted house/murder mystery that plays in about 4 hours--perfect for gaming on a Halloween night!

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Updated ECC

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, October 19, 2012, In : Announcements 
I've made a few updates to the .pdf version of the Emergency Character collection. Primarily, these are .pdf-focused changes and not print-worthy changes, so I'm not planning to update the print versions. The updates include:
  • Providing two separate layouts for Vinkia the druid: the original version with her animal companion statistics on the same page as her statistics, and a second version with the animal companion separate from her statistics.
  • Including nested bookmarks.
  • Providing stats for Lu...

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Emergency Character Collection is Here!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, September 12, 2012, In : Announcements 
The .pdf version of The Emergency Character Collection is now out, along with its FREE sample version. You can get it at and now, and at soon!

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The Emergency Character Collection is Arriving!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, September 11, 2012, In : Announcements 
As the first non-adventure product for Run Amok Games, I've adjusted my usual process a bit for The Emergency Character Collection. First, I workshopped it, asking a fairly large group of friends to evaluate the layout, find errors, and give feedback on the art (and there is a LOT of art here). Second, I've decided to produce a free product, to show off two of the 13 PCs and hopefully drive more sales by letting people know what they can get.

I needed to revise the cover art at the last minut...
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Teeth of the Storm is out now!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, August 2, 2012, In : Announcements 
Print and .pdf are both now available for Teeth of the Storm. Enjoy our third adventure, a chilling tale of gothic horror for 1st level PCs!

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State of Run Amok

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, In : Announcements 

As a quick heads-up, here’s the status of the three “in the works” products:

Teeth of the Storm is fully through writing and editing. All of the art is in. I'm just finishing layout this week. I plan to release this in print and .pdf at the same time. Some of the illustrations, while great, may be a bit too dark, so I’ll be scrutinizing the print proof before approving this for public sale. Expect Teeth of the Storm near the end of July.

The Emergency Character Collection is fully w...

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Pregenerated PCs Are Coming!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, June 5, 2012, In : Announcements 
I've announced a new product, "The Emergency Character Collection." It's the first non-adventure product Run Amok Games has produced, and I'm a bit nervous about its reception. I've been really lacking a stable of pregenerated PCs, either for my games or in other people's games (RIP Daremo the halfling rogue, who was eaten by a hezrou). However, lists of pregenerated PCs rarely seem to be a viable (or interesting) product on their own. I decided that my ideal pregenerated PC product would hav...
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Underdelve Menace Now in Print!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Announcements 
I've already received some really great reviews and comments on The Underdelve Menace. It's now available in print at,, and If you want the print version, I recommend getting the print/pdf combo. It's only $2 more, and you'll get the .pdf file including the full-color printable encounter maps too. Enjoy!

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Underdelve Menace Released!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, March 29, 2012, In : Announcements 

The Underdelve Menace is now available! Availability comes in stages, though: right now, you can get the .pdf at RPGNow and DriveThruRPG. The .pdf should be available at in the next day or two, print versions at RPGNow and DriveThruRPG in a week or two, and print version available at in the week or so after that.

I considered whether to delay the .pdf release so that print and pdf are available at all site simultaneously. I decided to get the "Underdelve Menace" .pdf out so...

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Underdelve Menace will menace you soon!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, In : Announcements 
I've finished with layout of The Underdelve Menace, and I already have all the cartography--only a few more pieces of art to come in, and this rural investigative adventure will be ready to release!
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"Moso's Bluff" in Pathways #12 and Underdelve Menace update

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, February 14, 2012, In : Announcements 

My short mini-adventure "Moso's Bluff" in Pathways #12 by Rite Publishing just got a great review; I spent a lot of time crafting that mini-adventure and working in Yakuza-themed elements, and it's rewarding to hear good things about it.

Also, I'm midway through layout of the second Run Amok adventure, "Underdelve Menace," and hope to have that out in early March. I'll also be adding a few site updates in the next few days.

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"Six Griffons Haunt" in print everywhere!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, February 1, 2012, In : Announcements 
The Six Griffons Haunt is now in print at, so it's now in print from anyone that sells it online.  You can also get the print and .pdf as a bundle together--I recommend this, so you get the printable full-color maps for your gaming table as well as the print adventure itself.

I also have print copies for sale at Chicago-area game stores: Chicagoland Games and Games Plus, but others to come!
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"Six Griffons Haunt" in print on

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, January 13, 2012, In : Announcements 
I've finally negotiated the print process, and you can now order "Six Griffons Haunt" in print, to hold in your very hands: It'll be another few days before I get print versions available at as well, but that's coming soon. Now that I have this figured out, the lag between product .pdf availability and print availability of all of our products will be much shorter.
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Six Griffons Haunt on its way to print

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Sunday, November 13, 2011, In : Announcements 
I'm working through the process of getting a print version of The Six Griffons Haunt available. It looks like it'll be about a week out or so; I'll drop a message here when it's available.

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New Game Company Launched!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, In : Announcements 

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About Me

I'm Ron Lundeen, game designer for Wizards of the Coast. Before that, I worked as a development manager for Paizo, Inc. and as an RPG freelancer. I've recently had products in print for Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Petersen Games, and Ulisses Spiele. My opinions here are my own and do not reflect those of Wizards of the Coast.


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