Browsing Archive: January, 2017

Some "Developments"

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, January 31, 2017, In : Work with Other Publishers 
I've been a little light on the design side of RPGs recently, although I did create some additional treasures for the Ruins of Azlant adventure path that was a lot of fun. Instead, I've been doing some development work behind the scenes for a few different groups. That's basically editing, but it's the most fun part of editing--taking something that's already written and making it more awesome. If the rules aren't quite tight, tighten them up; if the words don't flow together clearly, rewrite...
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A New Card Game

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, In : Announcements 
I had a very productive New Years break. In fact, while playing games with my family and reading The Maltese Falcon for the first time, I had an idea for a card game. The concept, design, and prototype all came together very quickly, and I'm in pretty rigorous playtesting now with lots of groups (if you'd like to be involved, please contact me!). The game doesn't yet have a name--or rather, it does have a working title but, as my brother wisely pointed out, "Target won't sell a game with that...
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About Me

I'm Ron Lundeen, game designer for Wizards of the Coast. Before that, I worked as a development manager for Paizo, Inc. and as an RPG freelancer. I've recently had products in print for Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Petersen Games, and Ulisses Spiele. My opinions here are my own and do not reflect those of Wizards of the Coast.


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