Browsing Archive: September, 2016

The Plate's Nearly Empty

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, September 16, 2016, In : Announcements 
A month ago, I felt like I had way too much writing going on; with the Ruins of Azlant adventure path chapter for Paizo still a long way from being done, my work on the Heroes of the High Court nearing a deadline, and the D&D adventure I hadn't really started, I felt like my plate was very full.

Now, I'm in one of those rare moments where I don't have any current work for Paizo, and I'm planning to polish up and send in my D&D adventure tomorrow (well in advance of the October deadline, but I ...
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Another AP Away!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, September 2, 2016, In : Paizo 
Whew! After a pretty grueling week, and several very late nights, I just finished up my turnover of Pathfinder #125 Tower of the Drowned Dead. Woo hoo! The only thing I have left to turn in for it is my map set. I have those drawn out on graph paper, but those are my annotated reference copies, and I need to pretty them up quite a bit, to make it easier for whichever cartographer gets those. I've got some plans with my family this afternoon, but I'm expecting to turn in very early tonight and...
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About Me

I'm Ron Lundeen, game designer for Wizards of the Coast. Before that, I worked as a development manager for Paizo, Inc. and as an RPG freelancer. I've recently had products in print for Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Petersen Games, and Ulisses Spiele. My opinions here are my own and do not reflect those of Wizards of the Coast.


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