Browsing Archive: August, 2014

Skull and Shackles Arrives!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, August 30, 2014,
My version of the Skull and Shackles base set for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game arrived today, and we played our first game. It was familiar, since we'd playtested the entire Skull and Shackles adventure path for it already, but it was very neat to see the full-color art and the mechanics that had some of the proud nails hammered down. It's been quite some time since I spent so much time saying "oooh, what does that do?" over this game, and it was really neat. Looking forward to playing ...
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Three Down, Plenty to Go

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, August 26, 2014,
So how many copies of my RPG products did I sell at Wizard World Chicago? Three. One copy of each of The Underdelve Menace, the Emergency Character Collection, and Teeth of the Storm. I met a lot of neat gamers, but on the whole, comic convention attendees are quite certain what the "Pathfinder" game is; I had a lot of people give my products blank stares.

My friend gets most of his sales from conventions like this, and very little on-line. I'm the reverse: I get most of my sales on-line, and ...
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Off to See the Wizard!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, August 23, 2014, In : Announcements 
Just a quick note--I'm off to Wizard World Chicago for the day. A friend of mine owns a comic company and obtained an exhibitor booth and badges, which he's kindly sharing with me in exchange for a place to crash during the convention (he's attending all four days; I'm only attending today). How many of my RPG adventures will I sell at a comics convention? My prediction is "some, but not many." Let me be a little more specific with numbers: my friend is bringing around 60 copies of each issue...
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And the winner is...the Emergency Villain Collection!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, August 20, 2014, In : Announcements 
Whether my next release would be The Emergency Villain Collection or Perils of the Broken Road came basically down to which art came in first. The text for both is complete, and I've even started the layout for each (to the extent I can do so without the final art). Today, I received the last of the great pieces of art from Rick Hershey for the Emergency Villain Collection, so that will be the next product Run Amok Games releases. It's also a pretty consistent--although unintentional--organiz...
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"Stalker: Donning the Mask" is Kickstarting!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, August 15, 2014, In : Announcements 
On old friend of mine started his own comic company just about the same time I started a game publishing company. He's had a good run in his first line, a story about a superhero named Stalker, and he's trying to put it together in a graphic novel compilation via Kickstarter. It's worth a look, to see if it's worth your dollars (it's worth some of my dollars!). You can find it here:
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Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, August 9, 2014, In : Announcements 
I hadn't planned on going to GenCon this year, but some longtime friends are making a special trip out, so I'm headed down to play with them. I'll be there only Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon, but I'm really looking forward to it. I'll be playing the new edition of Dungeons and Dragons in the slots I'm signed up for (or, more accurately, the slots my friend Russell signed us all up for) and I plan to bring the same character that ultimately survived the Lost Mines of Phandelver s...
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What's Next?

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, August 7, 2014, In : Hints and Teasers 
Normally I have a pretty good sense of the release order my next Run Amok Games projects, but right now I've got a a few aaaaaalmost done projects, and some sporadic art for each--but here's some! This is one of the villains in the upcoming Emergency Villain Collection. He's a very angry tree-person named Boughbrother. Is the Emergency Villain Collection next? Probably, but who knows?
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About Me

I'm Ron Lundeen, game designer for Wizards of the Coast. Before that, I worked as a development manager for Paizo, Inc. and as an RPG freelancer. I've recently had products in print for Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Petersen Games, and Ulisses Spiele. My opinions here are my own and do not reflect those of Wizards of the Coast.


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