Browsing Archive: October, 2013

"Beyond the Serpentine Lock" Through Layout!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, In : Hints and Teasers 
I'm now prepping the print version of "Beyond the Serpentine Lock" to get a proof, which will take a few weeks. The .pdf version is just about done, including the map file--here is a small part of a great map by Marco Morte, the primary cartographer and illustrator for this adventure.

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Paizo Lists by Level

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, October 29, 2013, In : Hints and Teasers 

In a move that seems obvious, in retrospect, Paizo now lists all of their available adventures by PC level range: adventures for 3rd-level PCs all together, adventures for 4th-level PCs all together, and so on. This includes not only Paizo adventures, but third-party publisher adventures like those Run Amok Games produces. It’s always good to see my adventures listed in new ways!

The next step would be to have an “Adventure Path Frame” that would take a string of adventures that were...
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Relic Mechanics

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, October 24, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 

This is the second of three blog posts about my first in-print article for Paizo, “Lost Relics of the Crusades.” I thought I’d discuss a bit about the process of developing the mechanics of my items. In part, this is the “meatiest” part, because the specific, mechanical effects are what the PCs apply every single time they use an item.

I had plenty of word count for all of these items. Most magic items must fit in a very small word count (such as the 300-word limit of Paizo’s R...

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Paizo's Author Listing

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, October 21, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 

I’ve done a lot of work for Paizo recently, but they seem a little erratic about when they list authors for upcoming releases. I’m listed as an author for Champions of Balance, due out in February 2014.  But I’ve also done work for three products due out before then (specifically, Magical Marketplace due out in December 2013, and both Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs and a new monster in Adventure Path #77 Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth, due out in January 2014) that are still listed as wri...

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Praise for The Emergency Character Collection

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, October 19, 2013, In : Announcements 

When I was updating the purchase links this week, I ran across a great review that I hadn’t seen before. Nathan C., one of the featured reviewers of RPGNow, gave The Emergency Character Collection five stars, mostly due to all the extra details I put into this. Or, in his words, “The great thing is that the writer doesn't just stop with throwing some character blocks in a book. He takes the time to explain other variants, build theories and slight alternatives. This little bit of extra ...

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Where to Get Run Amok

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, October 18, 2013, In : Announcements 

I’ve spent a little bit of time recently updating all the links on the Our Products page, so you can jump right to your online retailer of choice to get any of our five products (mostly, these were to add the Paizo links to recent products and D20PFSRD store links to all products). Everything seems to be clicking through fine. If you see something misdirected, please shoot me an email at

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Five Stars for Kingdom of Toads!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, October 17, 2013, In : Announcements 

Endzeitgeist, tireless reviewer and masterful guide to the sea of third-party Pathfinder products, has once again endorsed a Run Amok Games adventure with his top rating of five stars plus his seal of approval! He says: “Author Ron Lundeen tries his hand at one epic high-level adventure breathing the spirit of broad repercussions appropriate for the level and manages to provide a module that challenges beyond its statblock-builds and also offers some food for the mind. Mind you, that does...

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Quite a Weekend!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, October 16, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 
Although it's now early Wednesday, I'm still recovering from a monumental weekend. I not only ran my first marathon (the Chicago Marathon on Sunday), but I also completed my milestone for my longest Paizo project to date. My total project is about 41,000 words. For a milestone, you need to show progress by sending in at least a third or so of your words; I sent in about 20,000, so I've made a good start.

For this particular project, I also had to turn in a handful of completed magic items and ...
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Designing Relics

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 

Now that my first in-print article for Paizo is out (“Lost Relics of the Crusades”), I thought I’d discuss a bit about the process of designing magic items for that article. I’ll break this up into three parts: designing relics as magic items, developing the mechanics of the items, and developing the story lore of the items.

First, designing relics, and a bit of background.

I was presented with very little by way of an outline—just the art orders describing the five items I would ...

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Another PACG Scenario

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, October 4, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 
We're still enjoying the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game at my house; here's another custom scenario I designed:

The Pillbug's Revenge scenario is intended for characters who have completed The Poisoned Pill (and may have completed all of the Perils of the Lost Coast and even some or all of Burnt Offerings). Plentiful poison damage makes this scenario challenging.

Freshly escaped from prison, the notorious poison-merchant Aliver "Pillbug" Podiker has vowed revenge upon Sandpoint! Pillbug Podiker...

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About Me

I'm Ron Lundeen, game designer for Wizards of the Coast. Before that, I worked as a development manager for Paizo, Inc. and as an RPG freelancer. I've recently had products in print for Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Petersen Games, and Ulisses Spiele. My opinions here are my own and do not reflect those of Wizards of the Coast.


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