Browsing Archive: December, 2013

Happy Holidays to All!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Sunday, December 29, 2013,
As with many, I've been caught up in the joyous press of the holiday season: entertaining guests, last-minute shopping, and so on. I'm very appreciative of all my fans, and looking forward to 2014! Thanks to all!

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Print Version of Beyond the Serpentine Lock

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Friday, December 20, 2013, In : Announcements 
For those who get print versions of our stuff from Paizo, the print version of Beyond the Serpentine Lock is on its way there now, fighting upstream through the holiday shipping traffic, I'm sure!

Happy holidays!

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Posted by Ron Lundeen on Saturday, December 14, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 
Paizo's RPG Superstar 2014 contest just started. I've got mixed views on this contest, which you enter by submitting a magic item of your own creation. I've submitted a couple of times in the past few years, but I quit in an immature huff two years ago, after I saw the contest reviewer commentary for my item (I thought my item twisted the rules in a clever way, but the contest reviewer made some commentary that indicated he didn't actually know the rules I was bending for my item). His misund...
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41,851 Words

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, December 9, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 
At last! I have just turned in my longest--by far--freelance writing project ever. 41,851 words. 73 pages. Whew.

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Front Page News!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Monday, December 9, 2013, In : Announcements 
Paizo Publishing uses its blog for marketing, which makes a lot of sense. Usually they're announcing their new products, or upcoming games, and so on. Every now and again, though, they put up a blog post about the recent third-party publications offered in their online store.

They don't have to do this; in fact, there's some logic in saying that they shouldn't do this. We third-party publishers aren't nearly Paizo's size, but we're technically their competition: if someone buys something from ...
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Beyond the Serpentine Lock is Here!

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Thursday, December 5, 2013, In : Announcements 
The print proof for Beyond the Serpentine Lock looks good, so I've activated it for sale from RPGNow in print and pdf. I'll get it up at Paizo and the d20PFSRD store shortly. Check it out!

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In the Home Stretch for a Big Project

Posted by Ron Lundeen on Tuesday, December 3, 2013, In : Work with Other Publishers 
I've got not quite one week to finish up my largest freelance project ever (in prestige as well as length!) for Paizo. Many thanks to my good friends who gave up part of their Thanksgiving weekend for a playtest--although I spotted more errors due to the playtest than I'd guessed there were, it was good to have them bared for me to see, so I can fix them before my final turnover deadline.

More details after this is publicly announced, of course!

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About Me

I'm Ron Lundeen, game designer for Wizards of the Coast. Before that, I worked as a development manager for Paizo, Inc. and as an RPG freelancer. I've recently had products in print for Paizo, Wizards of the Coast, Petersen Games, and Ulisses Spiele. My opinions here are my own and do not reflect those of Wizards of the Coast.


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